Stand: 15.05.2016 04:29 Uhr

Songtext: Sanja Vučić - "Goodbye"


VIDEO: Serbien: Sanja Vučić - "Goodbye (Shelter)" (3 Min)


I wish i could stop it, I wish I could fight it,
But there's nothing I can do,
I thought that we were meant for each other
Oh, how I wish I knew you better

I played a fool so many times, can't even count it.

Every time I say goodbye,
you try to keep me by your side
Gotta fight my way out of your hands,
find the shelter from the pain

Every time you say your lies,
I hide away and close my eyes,
I won't let you tear my world apart,
gotta find a shelter for my heart

I thought that it was supposed to hurt me,
I thought that it was love,
I put my hands up but I won't surrender
don't need what doesn't serve me any more

I lick my wounds so many times, so that I can keep on fighting.

Every time I say goodbye ....

Every time I say goodbye, you try to break me down

Music and Lyrics by: Ivana Peters

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 14.05.2016 | 21:00 Uhr

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