Stand: 28.05.2012 13:00 Uhr

Songtext: Nina Badrić - "Nebo"


VIDEO: Kroatien: Nina Badrić - "Nebo" (3 Min)


Listen to me when I say, there's nothing I haven't tried.
You're still in my thoughts, you still feel mine.
And I hear you're in love and people tell me
That you just don't care.
Like I've lost my mind, I still keep hoping for you.
Well heaven settles every debt and remembers everything you owe.
Each of us dreams, but heaven sets the path along which you go.
Heaven settles every debt, someone up above sees it all,
and these tears of mine will weigh heavily on your soul.

I will hide myself behind cold wet streets,
so that no one may ever see
that I meant nothing to you.
And I hear you're in love and people tell me
That you just don't care.
Like I've lost my mind,
I still keep hoping for you.
Well heaven settles every debt and remembers everything you owe.
Each of us dreams, but heaven sets the path along which you go.
Heaven settles every debt, someone up above sees it all,
and these tears of mine will weigh heavily on your soul.

Heaven settles every debt,
someone up above sees it all,
heaven settles every debt.

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 26.05.2012 | 21:00 Uhr

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