Stand: 15.05.2016 04:21 Uhr

Songtext: Eneda Tarifa - "Fairytale"


VIDEO: Albanien: Eneda Tarifa - "Fairytale" (3 Min)


Cos it's you...only you
you I feel,
And I ...oh I
I know in my soul this it's real

And that's why I love you..oh I
Yes I love you u..u..
And I'd fight for you
give my life for you
my heart

But comes a day when it's not enough
and what you have the time is up
but it's hard to turn a new page
In the tale, sweet tale of love
you will find the peace of heart that you crave

Music and Lyrics by: Olsa Toqi

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 14.05.2016 | 21:00 Uhr

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