Sendedatum: 10.05.2014 21:00 Uhr

Songtext: Aram Mp3 - "Not Alone"


VIDEO: Armenien/Aram Mp3: "Not Alone" (3 Min)


You're all alone, you're all alone,
No shoulder wants you to lean on,
You thought this world was too cold
And you've made up
A whole new world

Don't cry, don't cry little bird
Though you are scared and you're hurt
You're gonna wake up
It's only a dream
And why do dreams make people scream

You're not alone ...

What if it's all in one kiss
That turns all seeds into trees
The strongest wind into breeze
Enter all doors without keys

What if it's all in one kiss
That turns all seeds into trees
The strongest wind into breeze
What if it's all in one kiss

You're not alone ...

Song writer: Garik Papoyan
Song composer: Aram MP3

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 10.05.2014 | 21:00 Uhr

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