Songtext: TuralTuranX - "Tell Me More" | Aserbaidschan

Stand: 24.04.2023 11:53 Uhr


Tell me more about me,
You, us
Tell me you love me, baby
More than I trust
And I just want to know
How do you feel about us
Right now

I don’t know if I’m someone or someone is me
I’m running from fate I’m giving up my dream
And I’m carrying all the pain
All the sorrow that’s in vain
That’s my way of staying sane
On this sad and lonely train

I shout it from the hills up high
I’ve nothing – only tears to cry
If I ever fall again like the way I did
I’ll die from the emotions I bottled up for years, baby

Tell me more about me
You, us
Tell me you love me, baby
More than I trust
And I just want to know
How do you feel about us
Right now

I want to buy land a thousand miles away
From the city that I’ve never even chosen
I think the reason why is
All because of people who treat you like a fool
And make you wonder 'bout the reason

Time and again I'm passing by the streets
And the places that we used to go to
We thought we’d be back
But we never ever did
The distance between you and me is more and more

Let me tell you one thing, baby
Coz It may change your thoughts about it
You won’t need to worry again

So let me tell you, if you’re ready
Hear me out, baby: let’s go crazy
I got something you are looking for
And that is love

Tell me more about me
You, us
Tell me you love me, baby
More than I trust
And I just want to know
How do you feel about us
Right now

Komposition: Nihad Aliyev / Tunar Taghiyev / Tural Baghmanov / Turan Baghmanov
Text: Tural Baghmanov / Turan Baghmanov

Weitere Informationen
TuralTuranX  auf der Bühne in Liverpool. © EBU Foto: Corinne Cumming

TuralTuranX vertreten Aserbaidschan beim ESC in Liverpool

Die Zwillinge Tural und Turan Bagmanovlar gehen in Großbritannien an den Start. Ihren Song "Tell Me More" haben sie selbst geschrieben. mehr

Loreen gewinnt den Eurovision Song Contest 2023. © IMAGO / TT Foto: IMAGO / TT

Alle Infos zum Eurovision Song Contest 2023 in Großbritannien

Der 67. ESC fand in Liverpool statt. Schwedens Loreen hat nach 2012 ein zweites Mal gewonnen, Deutschland wurde erneut Letzter. mehr

Dieses Thema im Programm:

ONE | Eurovision Song Contest | 11.05.2023 | 21:00 Uhr

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