Stand: 29.03.2018 11:32 Uhr

Songtext: Sevak Khanagyan - "Qami"


VIDEO: Armenien: Sevak Khanagyan - "Qami" (3 Min)

Lyrics (original)

Khul u hamr yen k'aminery
Yerb hogu khork'um andund e
Im ynkery menut'yunn e darrnum
I՞nch' arzhek' uni k'vo sery
Na talis e parz ayd harts'y
Amperin, vor k'vo kerparn yen arrnum

I՞nch' arzhen khent'i verk'ery
Vor bats'el e k'vo ayd sery՝
Goyut'yuns p'akelov irenum

Qami, qami
Ayd vo՞wr yes tarel tak' im hushery
Qami, qami
Du to՛wr indz t'ever, vor hetevem k'ez

Yes p'akum yem im ach'k'ery
Vow t'vum e, t'e tesnum yem
Ayn ughin, vor depi k'ez e berum

Stakhos ein astghery
Vor asum ein, t'e anpart e
Sery ayn hogu, vor luys e p'ntrum

Qami, qami
Ayd vo՞wr yes tarel tak' im hushery
Qami, qami
Du to՛wr indz t'ever, vor hetevem k'e

Qami (Du to՛wr indz t'ever, du to՛wr indz t'ever)
Qami (Vor savarrnem depi ver yes)

Qami (Du to՛wr indz t'ever, du to՛wr indz t'ever)
(Vor savarrnem depi ver yes)

Qami (Du to՛wr indz t'ever, du to՛wr indz t'ever)
(Vor savarrnem depi ver yes)

Qami (Du to՛wr indz t'ever, du to՛wr indz t'ever)
(Vor savarrnem depi ver yes)

Lyrics (Englisch)

The winds are deaf and dumb,
When there is an abyss deep down in my soul.
The loneliness is becoming my friend.
"What is the cost of your love?",-
It asks that simple question,
It asks it the clouds which get your image.

What is the cost of a madcap's wounds,
Which have been opened by your love,
Closing my existence in itself?

Wind, wind
Where have you taken my warm memories?
Oh wind, oh wind,
Give me wings
So I could follow you, oh wind!

I am closing my eyes,
And it seems I can see
The way which brings me to you.

The stars were lying,
When they were saying
That the love of the soul
Searching for the light is invincible.

Wind, wind
Where have you taken my warm memories?
Oh wind, oh wind,
Give me wings
So I could follow you, oh wind!

Give, give me wings
Give give me wings
So I could fly high, fly high
Ooh, ouh, ouououh

Music: Sevak Khanagyan
Lyrics: Anna Danielyan, Victoria Maloyan

Dieses Thema im Programm:

ONE | 08.05.2018 | 21:00 Uhr

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Sevak Khanagyan auf der Bühne in Lissabon. © Foto: Andres Putting

Sevak Khanagyan will mit viel Wind ins Finale

09.05.18 | Sevak Khanagyan gibt sich äußerlich gerne männlich. Umso mehr überrascht der 30-Jährige mit "Qami" beim armenischen Vorentscheid. In Lissabon reichte es nicht fürs Finale. mehr