Stand: 04.04.2018 13:35 Uhr

Songtext: Sanja Ilić & Balkanika - "Nova deca"


VIDEO: Serbien: Sanja Ilić & Balkanika - "Nova deca" (3 Min)

Lyrics (original)

Svet je naš
i vreme prestaje da žuri
kad si sa mnom ti

Svet je naš
i s'osmehom se budim
zato što postojiš ti

Sve je jasnije
sunce sija drugačije

Svet je naš
i nova deca s' nama stvaraju bolji svet

Lyrics (Englisch)

The world is ours
and time stops flying
when you're with me

The world is ours
and I wake up with a smile
because you are there

Everything is clearer,
the sun shines differently

The world is ours
and new children are creating a better world with us

Music: Aleksandar Sanja Ilić, Tatjana Karajanov Ilić
Lyrics: Danica Krstajić

Dieses Thema im Programm:

ONE | 10.05.2018 | 21:00 Uhr

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