Stand: 22.02.2019 22:13 Uhr

Songtext: Lilly Among Clouds - "Surprise"


VIDEO: Lilly Among Clouds verzaubert mit "Surprise" (3 Min)


Tell me another secret
I am bored of my own
they tell me I need to keep it
but they are wrong

Give me another glas of wine
I need to forget,
haven´t been so honest
all the time

But all I see, the best of me
is there yet to come
I am reaching out infinity (i i i)

But all I see, the best of me
is there yet to come
I am reaching out infinity (i i i)

Cause youuu haven´t seen the best of me
you will be surprised
you haven´t seen the rest of me
you will be surprised
(surprise for you for you)

you will be surprised
for you for you

Cause youuu haven´t seen the best of me
you will be surprised
you haven´t seen the rest of me
you will be surprised
(surprise for you for you)

But all I see, the best of me
is there yet to come
I am reaching out infinity (i i i)

Lyrics: Elisabeth Brüchner
Musik: Elisabeth Brüchner, Udo Rinklin

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 22.02.2019 | 20:15 Uhr

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