Songtext: Joker Out - "Carpe Diem" | Slowenien

Stand: 02.05.2023 11:17 Uhr


Mi bomo celo noč plesali,
Ljubili se in se igrali,
Kot da nas jutri več ne bo.

Vedno manj besed, tanek led pod nogami žge, mi pa bežimo s prepiha.
810.000 let moraš delat' le, da duša malo zadiha.

An ban, pet podgan.
Ti loviš, če preživiš.
Jaz ti bom vzel vse, ti ničesar ne dobiš.
Si tega res želiš?

Igra sovraštva je za vas, hvala lepa, ne računajte na nas.
Na nas.

Mi bomo celo noč plesali,
Ljubili se in se igrali,
Kot da nas jutri več ne bo.
Ne bomo šteli ur do zore,
Preskakovali bomo gore,
Da nas objame nebo.

Prvi dež odplaknil ves bo blišč, da ne bi kradel magije s plesišč,
Tema bo prižgala žar v očeh.

Igra sovraštva je za vas, hvala lepa, ne računajte na nas.
Še bolj na glas.

Mi bomo celo noč plesali,
Ljubili se in se igrali,
Kot da nas jutri več ne bo.
Ne bomo šteli ur do zore,
Preskakovali bomo gore,
Sprejeli, da smo večni samo in srečni samo, ko objema nas nebo.

Vso noč do jutra smo plesali.
Ljubili se in se igrali.
Živeli, kot da jutri nas mogoče več ne bo.

We'll be dancing all night long.
We’ll love each other and play.
As if there was no tomorrow.

Ever fewer words, thin ice burning under our feet,
But we're running away from the draught.
You must only work for 810,000 years to make your soul breathe a little.

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
You win if you stay alive.
I'll take everything, you get nothing.
Do you really want it like this?

The game of hatred is your thing, thank you,
Don't count on us.
On us.

We'll be dancing all night long.
We’ll love each other and play.
As if there was no tomorrow.
We won't count the hours until the dawn arises.
We'll jump across the mountains.
To be embraced by the sky.

The first rain will wash away all the fake glitter,
So it stops stealing the magic from the dance floors,
The darkness will bring out the shine in our eyes

The game of hatred is your thing, thank you,
Don't count on us.
We'll be even louder.

We'll be dancing all night long.
We'll love each other and play.
As if there was no tomorrow.
We won't count the hours until the dawn arises.
We'll jump across the mountains.
We'll accept that we are eternal and happy
Only as long as the sky keeps embracing us.

We danced, loved, and played all night.
We lived as if there was no tomorrow

Komposition: Bojan Cvjetićanin / Jan Peteh / Jure Maček / Kris Guštin / Nace Jordan
Text: Bojan Cvjetićanin

Weitere Informationen
Joker out auf der Bühne in Liverpool. © EBU Foto: Sarah Louise Bennett

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Dieses Thema im Programm:

ONE | Eurovision Song Contest | 11.05.2023 | 21:00 Uhr

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