Der australische ESC-Acht Go-Jo © Jason Henley

Songtext: Go-Jo - "Milkshake Man"

Stand: 25.03.2025 15:21 Uhr


Come and take a sip from my special cup
I heard that you could use a little pick me up
What can get you high when you're oh so sad?
It’s the milk from the milkshake man

Well I’ve got chocolate, vanilla, and lactose free
And a caramel banana, that you have got to see

You can call me the milkshake man
I wanna shake and make the whole world dance
They drink my milk all across the land
I can tell you want a taste of the milkshake man

Sh-sh-shake me good
Sh-sh-shake me good
I can tell you want a taste of the milkshake man
Sh-sh-shake me good
Sh-sh-shake me good
I can tell you want a taste of the milkshake man

The shake is not a drink - it’s a state of mind
Like a secret super power you were born to find
Drink it every day and before you know it
You’ll be bigger… and stronger… with harder bones!

Well I’ve got mango, mojito, a fruit ballet
And did you see the naughty special on my crème brûlée?

You can call me the milkshake man
I wanna shake up all the milk I can
They know my name all across the land
I can tell you want a taste of the milkshake man

Sh-sh-shake me good
Sh-sh-shake me good
I can tell you want a taste of the milkshake man
Sh-sh-shake me good
Sh-sh-shake me good
I can tell you want a taste of the milkshake man

Excusez-moi monsieur, avez-vous du lait pour moi?

When I say sweet sweet, you say yum yum
Sweet sweet - yum yum
When I say sweet sweet, you say yum yum
Sweet sweet - yum yum

Sh-sh-shake me good
Sh-sh-shake me good
I can tell you want a taste of the milkshake man
Sh-sh-shake me good
Sh-sh-shake me good
I can tell you want a taste of the milkshake man
Sh-sh-shake me good
Sh-sh-shake me good
I can tell you want a taste of the milkshake man
Sh-sh-shake me good
Sh-sh-shake me good
I can tell you want a taste of the milkshake man

Text und Komposition: Amy Sheppard / George Sheppard / Jason Bovino / Marty Zambotto

Weitere Informationen
Der australische ESC-Acht Go-Jo © Jeremy Kees Orr

Go-Jo singt "Milkshake Man" für Australien

Auf digitalen Plattformen ist Marty Zambotto aka Go-Jo längst bekannt. Der Stil des Sängers aus Sydney bewegt sich zwischen Pop, Indie und Folk. mehr

Auf einem bunten Hintergrund liegen Postkarten, auf denen Motive vom ESC montiert sind. © EBU/ Foto: Oleksandr Prykhodko/Mirjam Kluka/Bruce Shippee

ESC 2025 in Basel: Alle Infos zu Terminen, Teilnehmern und Songs

Der 69. Eurovision Song Contest findet 2025 in der Schweiz statt. Infos zu Terminen und teilnehmenden Ländern. mehr

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 15.05.2025 | 21:00 Uhr

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