Songtext: Abor & Tynna - "Baller" (englisch)

Stand: 10.03.2025 09:30 Uhr


I shoot holes in the night
Stars fall and hit my roof
It still hurts a little when I see you again
But I'll never come back, no matter what you tell me
I'll shoot holes in the night
Stars are falling and hitting my roof
It still hurts a little when I see you again
But I'll never come back, no matter what you tell me

Chalk silhouettes on the pavement
Between us a crime scene like from CSI
You said ‘I'm sorry baby’ for the first time
Should have known that was the end of us

You put a full stop after the sentence as if you never knew me
So I change perfumes and buy new clothes
I get that urge again, I want the end of the world
Hah, I think that's it, I shoot for the stars

I shoot holes in the night
Stars fall and hit my roof
It still hurts a little when I see you again
But I'll never come back, no matter what you tell me
I'll shoot holes in the night
Stars are falling and hitting my roof
It still hurts a little when I see you again
But I'll never come back, no matter what you tell me

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I see the splinters of stars on my skin like glitter
I've learnt that what doesn't kill me only makes me prettier
Would you still catch a bullet for me?
Because your gun is in my hand now (Shoot)

You put a full stop after the sentence as if you never knew me
So I change perfumes and buy new clothes
I get that urge again, I want the world to end
Hah, I think that's it, I shoot for the stars

I shoot holes in the night
Stars fall and hit my roof
It still hurts a little when I see you again
But I'll never come back, no matter what you tell me
I'll shoot holes in the night

Stars are falling and hitting my roof
It still hurts a little when I see you again
But I'll never come back, no matter what you tell me

I shoot, la-la
I shoot, la

Text und Komposition: Alexander Hauer, Attila Bornemisza, Tünde Bornemisza

Weitere Informationen
Finale von "Chefsache ESC": Abor & Tynna "Baller" © NDR, Raab ENTERTAINMENT Foto: Willi Weber

Songtext: Abor & Tynna - "Baller"

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